Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Word

I have Just been asked the meaning of
Amashiwi now thats a big question.
firstly its the zambian word, for the word
"in the begining was the word..."
When a child is born we look out for its existence using the word, the cry, the noise or the muffled sound of life.
The begining of everything,to each attached eternity as words are passed from one being to the other.
the word is God and God is Man
"man created in his image"
when you look in the mirror youre actually looking at a feature of God, when you utter the word or speak, youre in Gods image
"and the word was God"
so if you take a trip into the motorway of my mind via this blog like all motorways
youll need a journey planner but youll eventually get there.The word everything from My God to all the wonderfull people who are making my stay on this earth so worth while, and if you just hit this blog by accident, join the band wagon and celebrate life via the greatest gift youve been given.The word, others call it the spirit or simply life.
"In The begining was the word, and the the word was with God,and the word was God"
John 1.1

Monday, September 12, 2005


I have just been told that there only two types of zambians
the rich and poor
male and female
user and abuser
giver and miser
saint and satanist
the cheating and cheated
drinker and non drinker
with or without talk time
and no state is permanet therefore the poor are convinced would get better
and the rich are certain will lose their fame some day hence the lunacy of politics
and clouded way of thinking secondary to fear

Sunday, September 11, 2005

creativity Posted by Picasa

birdies Posted by Picasa

the fishermans family Posted by Picasa

the monkey Posted by Picasa

About Me

I am a kind person who simply loves the art of living in all its forms as intended by the creator