happy valentines to all
am sure cupids has not missed any of the arrows
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
End of Detox
I officially ended the fast on Friday so i actually did it for thirty days it was all fine then I got a terrible sore throat and heart burn , i think I had too much of cranberry juice whilst at work so that's how it all ended.
in all I've lost 10 percent of my body weight and am so conscious of what goes in my system which is a plus fried food is making me feel sick so for now am safe .it was such a pleasure to be in my spirit I cant explain it anyway am fine and exciting . I've launched a new company and so far so good.
I have also spent alot of time reading African news and politics.
people are getting into the mood of things Nigeria is one to watch though.
Zambia is doing great though am worried about the Chinese kiss and romance will see how it goes china is a big flirt though its embracing everybody .
lets wait and see.
in all I've lost 10 percent of my body weight and am so conscious of what goes in my system which is a plus fried food is making me feel sick so for now am safe .it was such a pleasure to be in my spirit I cant explain it anyway am fine and exciting . I've launched a new company and so far so good.
I have also spent alot of time reading African news and politics.
people are getting into the mood of things Nigeria is one to watch though.
Zambia is doing great though am worried about the Chinese kiss and romance will see how it goes china is a big flirt though its embracing everybody .
lets wait and see.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Tuesday to Friday the 9th
Loads has been going on, I feel am one of those people who dont eat solid food am now so used to the juices.
wednesday and thursday was so busy in Accident and Emergency ,Iwas locuming in the John Radcliff in Oxford its a nice hospital I must say and the A/E staff are so friendly you hardly feel like a locumer as i call it.
theres been loads of snow so thats equal to more falls and snowball accidents.
I suppose the pavements should get some treatment in winter to avoid all the falls from the slippery ice like the main roads do for cars.
today friday am in birmingham yep for another job . ive been toiling round the country its fun though I love travelling.
when I got married to be honest I thought it was oneof those things of having a partner and you travel round the earth in search of adventue ,but its not atleast for me so am always wondering how serious husewifes feel who never go anywhere apart from the local school park and maybe spars for some missing bread . the're really worth the praise am so far fetched. even if i didnt have a career its not just me. to be in one place, when i started my fast I was hoping ild find the new me who loves the other world instead am finding the real me its like all my zeal and love for life and what it entails is back in me.
I was telling a good friend of mine about the age we are living and how hectic it is to catch up with all the gadgets and my five year old son over heard me and said dont worry mum its so easy ok, now remeber the big new TV is like a nice clean mirroe with people in.
the wii is the one i can fight with when playing games,
then he goes um I feel sorry for big people they want to play too but they first have to put that thing in the ear in the car talk on the phone and pretend the know what there doing
doesnt God talk to big people mummy?
and here I was thinking I talk to God always in my serious state no wonder Jesus said, to enter the kingdom you should be like a child though its scarry to be care free. a friend asked me to be more serious on my bloggs and discuss political or health matters after 12 hours of health issues in the hospital really theres so little left as for politics am still trying to understand the meaning of the current democratic wave as per americanism with all the poor in the universe.
so what can i say apart from that iam still settling my brains with the detox moving to the higher realms of life.
when you think you are cathing up with knowing the spirit youre actually interacting with the earth how bizzare.
Loads has been going on, I feel am one of those people who dont eat solid food am now so used to the juices.
wednesday and thursday was so busy in Accident and Emergency ,Iwas locuming in the John Radcliff in Oxford its a nice hospital I must say and the A/E staff are so friendly you hardly feel like a locumer as i call it.
theres been loads of snow so thats equal to more falls and snowball accidents.
I suppose the pavements should get some treatment in winter to avoid all the falls from the slippery ice like the main roads do for cars.
today friday am in birmingham yep for another job . ive been toiling round the country its fun though I love travelling.
when I got married to be honest I thought it was oneof those things of having a partner and you travel round the earth in search of adventue ,but its not atleast for me so am always wondering how serious husewifes feel who never go anywhere apart from the local school park and maybe spars for some missing bread . the're really worth the praise am so far fetched. even if i didnt have a career its not just me. to be in one place, when i started my fast I was hoping ild find the new me who loves the other world instead am finding the real me its like all my zeal and love for life and what it entails is back in me.
I was telling a good friend of mine about the age we are living and how hectic it is to catch up with all the gadgets and my five year old son over heard me and said dont worry mum its so easy ok, now remeber the big new TV is like a nice clean mirroe with people in.
the wii is the one i can fight with when playing games,
then he goes um I feel sorry for big people they want to play too but they first have to put that thing in the ear in the car talk on the phone and pretend the know what there doing
doesnt God talk to big people mummy?
and here I was thinking I talk to God always in my serious state no wonder Jesus said, to enter the kingdom you should be like a child though its scarry to be care free. a friend asked me to be more serious on my bloggs and discuss political or health matters after 12 hours of health issues in the hospital really theres so little left as for politics am still trying to understand the meaning of the current democratic wave as per americanism with all the poor in the universe.
so what can i say apart from that iam still settling my brains with the detox moving to the higher realms of life.
when you think you are cathing up with knowing the spirit youre actually interacting with the earth how bizzare.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Saturday and sunday was my break.
had the baby shower on saturday which was just fab.
the young girl got loads of pressies to start her off to the world of sleepless nights.
It was just a ladies do so we didd nibble on loads i actually even had some red wine.
So its Monday back to the detox am prepared fpr it and I feel good about how long more as the spirit leads so i say but its just nice to feel good about doing sthing.
my sister thouhgt I looked 18 again woo that enogh reason not to lose the faith.
but am definetly glowing that much I can feel too
God thankyou for keeping me and making a way for me I just love you so much.
you are indeed thae shadow on my right hand side.
Never replace Prayer with planning
Saturday and sunday was my break.
had the baby shower on saturday which was just fab.
the young girl got loads of pressies to start her off to the world of sleepless nights.
It was just a ladies do so we didd nibble on loads i actually even had some red wine.
So its Monday back to the detox am prepared fpr it and I feel good about how long more as the spirit leads so i say but its just nice to feel good about doing sthing.
my sister thouhgt I looked 18 again woo that enogh reason not to lose the faith.
but am definetly glowing that much I can feel too
God thankyou for keeping me and making a way for me I just love you so much.
you are indeed thae shadow on my right hand side.
Never replace Prayer with planning
Friday, February 02, 2007
DAY 23
Spent most of the afternoon in town ,i was meant to buy some present for saturday but I didnt.
Bought the meat stuff though.I was feeling pretty awful earlier on had a fantastic orange juice in a christian book shop and read a book about women found it very intresting it talks about various types of women from the clingy to the controlling woman.Am certain am not clingy though I like things being done at the right time does that make me a control freak no.
most of these books usually talk of child hood abuse leading to all these problems assuming you where never abused as a child would the various relationships in adult life contribute to who we are? I dont know. ive had two whole tomatoes today I thought as a matron at a function maybe I could nibble something and not be too on the extreme thats just me talking but am sure thats the right approach to life.
Ive reached the part of my journey of life where I feel its time for me to give back to the world what ive received the gift of knowledge , life and understanding, am not sure yet where my place is in this circle so am asking my God about it he always answers me am so blessed.
am actully looking like a new being and I feel so beautiful strangely enough ive always looked at myself as me and thats it.
I last felt like this when i was in uni.
long time ago in the far far away land.
mailed some friends ive not heard from ages to to say am here.
am missing the zambian market noise its annoying ,strange but addictive you just get suped in the people around its like they all know each other.
God watch over me on saturday and order my footsteps.
am sure I can go the distance if i can be strong for every mile is worth a while.
Spent most of the afternoon in town ,i was meant to buy some present for saturday but I didnt.
Bought the meat stuff though.I was feeling pretty awful earlier on had a fantastic orange juice in a christian book shop and read a book about women found it very intresting it talks about various types of women from the clingy to the controlling woman.Am certain am not clingy though I like things being done at the right time does that make me a control freak no.
most of these books usually talk of child hood abuse leading to all these problems assuming you where never abused as a child would the various relationships in adult life contribute to who we are? I dont know. ive had two whole tomatoes today I thought as a matron at a function maybe I could nibble something and not be too on the extreme thats just me talking but am sure thats the right approach to life.
Ive reached the part of my journey of life where I feel its time for me to give back to the world what ive received the gift of knowledge , life and understanding, am not sure yet where my place is in this circle so am asking my God about it he always answers me am so blessed.
am actully looking like a new being and I feel so beautiful strangely enough ive always looked at myself as me and thats it.
I last felt like this when i was in uni.
long time ago in the far far away land.
mailed some friends ive not heard from ages to to say am here.
am missing the zambian market noise its annoying ,strange but addictive you just get suped in the people around its like they all know each other.
God watch over me on saturday and order my footsteps.
am sure I can go the distance if i can be strong for every mile is worth a while.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Am so fine, high energy levels and so peaceful,
Ive been asked to be a matron at afriends cousins baby shower so am helping arranging all the food and I thought we should come up with a theme which ive not thought about yet, though the baby shower is this friday.
on day 22 I actually prayed to Godfor what I should do to break the fast for the party or not the tiny voice in my head was so peaceful and comforting and simply said barbara youre not condemed do what you will with all my blessing, but then I thought why take the easy way out, ive done that most of my life, my worry was being this serious person refusing to eat anything or having a drink so Ill be merry ill find a fantastic juice recipe for the day and since ive loads of energy am sure all will be fine.
its nice to know that God is Happy with you,
i meditated on Gods word and my prayer is that i should have it in me to readilly intercede for others
am sure my little prayer goes a long way,Ive develpoed a speacial caring for all the people that have crossed my path its like they all brought a message which at the time I did not catch God keep all my friends and family and meet them at there points of need.
Blessed are those that wait on the lord.
Am so fine, high energy levels and so peaceful,
Ive been asked to be a matron at afriends cousins baby shower so am helping arranging all the food and I thought we should come up with a theme which ive not thought about yet, though the baby shower is this friday.
on day 22 I actually prayed to Godfor what I should do to break the fast for the party or not the tiny voice in my head was so peaceful and comforting and simply said barbara youre not condemed do what you will with all my blessing, but then I thought why take the easy way out, ive done that most of my life, my worry was being this serious person refusing to eat anything or having a drink so Ill be merry ill find a fantastic juice recipe for the day and since ive loads of energy am sure all will be fine.
its nice to know that God is Happy with you,
i meditated on Gods word and my prayer is that i should have it in me to readilly intercede for others
am sure my little prayer goes a long way,Ive develpoed a speacial caring for all the people that have crossed my path its like they all brought a message which at the time I did not catch God keep all my friends and family and meet them at there points of need.
Blessed are those that wait on the lord.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
In me dwells Peace, Love ,Patience, Courage and for today just that I'm old enough to be satisfied with what I have, and young enough to still want more; Lucky enough to have been really stupid and lived to tell about it — cursed enough to have a good memory; Intelligent enough to understand that I still have a lot to learn, and ignorant enough to continually prove to myself that I still haven't.
In me dwells Peace, Love ,Patience, Courage and for today just that I'm old enough to be satisfied with what I have, and young enough to still want more; Lucky enough to have been really stupid and lived to tell about it — cursed enough to have a good memory; Intelligent enough to understand that I still have a lot to learn, and ignorant enough to continually prove to myself that I still haven't.
Day 18 and 19
both the days went on fine am wondering weather ill feel hungry again what a silly thought.
I have quite a lot of bible reading which is so refreshing.
ive become so energetic i wonder how i coped with low energy levels.
May the good lord keep me sae always.
both the days went on fine am wondering weather ill feel hungry again what a silly thought.
I have quite a lot of bible reading which is so refreshing.
ive become so energetic i wonder how i coped with low energy levels.
May the good lord keep me sae always.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
DAY 17
Uwaingila mu mushitu, tomfwa nswaswa.
Literally: He who enters the thicket does not fear and turn back when he hears sticks breathing.
Meaning: A person who undertakes a project should strive to see it through by ignoring all manner of discouragement.
Usage: Used when advising a person to carry on with his/her undertaking in spite of any distractions that may come from certain people
Uwaingila mu mushitu, tomfwa nswaswa.
Literally: He who enters the thicket does not fear and turn back when he hears sticks breathing.
Meaning: A person who undertakes a project should strive to see it through by ignoring all manner of discouragement.
Usage: Used when advising a person to carry on with his/her undertaking in spite of any distractions that may come from certain people
Friday, January 26, 2007
DAY 16
am feeling great though the morning was daunting.
nothing much to say still on the juice only diet.
and from the Wisdom Box.
"I have said , ye are gods:and all of you are children of the most high"
DAY 16
am feeling great though the morning was daunting.
nothing much to say still on the juice only diet.
and from the Wisdom Box.
"I have said , ye are gods:and all of you are children of the most high"
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Day 14 and 15
I have been really fab.
did most of the cooking in the last days and i have started training my nephew on how to do basic good meals ,
today he did a beef curry which looked great.
I had the desire to make bread but didnt have yeast so I walked down to my local sainsbury by the fuel station and there was none so ill get some on friday from a proper super market.
Last night read Isaiah 40 and it was awesome God was talking to me directly.
so ive been on this journey for 15 days and it seems like its become so easy,i have shocked my inner me.
Its amazing what you find when you take a trip into your soul.
the worst eney is yourself and so is your best friend.
I have also kept to my to do lists which is a break through for me coz I tend to do everything except that which am meant to do thank God that thing is over.
I thank god for my Today
Day 14 and 15
I have been really fab.
did most of the cooking in the last days and i have started training my nephew on how to do basic good meals ,
today he did a beef curry which looked great.
I had the desire to make bread but didnt have yeast so I walked down to my local sainsbury by the fuel station and there was none so ill get some on friday from a proper super market.
Last night read Isaiah 40 and it was awesome God was talking to me directly.
so ive been on this journey for 15 days and it seems like its become so easy,i have shocked my inner me.
Its amazing what you find when you take a trip into your soul.
the worst eney is yourself and so is your best friend.
I have also kept to my to do lists which is a break through for me coz I tend to do everything except that which am meant to do thank God that thing is over.
I thank god for my Today
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Day 12 and 13
Yesterday I had a mild cold which has completely gone today though woke up with terrible tummy ache, i can sill fee some discomfort but am sure ill be fine.
i dont have a mental fog any more am so awake and bright amazing stuff.
thankyou God for your presence
Yesterday I had a mild cold which has completely gone today though woke up with terrible tummy ache, i can sill fee some discomfort but am sure ill be fine.
i dont have a mental fog any more am so awake and bright amazing stuff.
thankyou God for your presence
Sunday, January 21, 2007
DAYS 10 AND 11
10th day was fine though a bit upset my 17 year old nephew decided to sleep out without informing anyone,so i had a chat with him felt a bit bad though coz at some point I told him he was lucky that he was my sisters son otherwise i would chuk him out.
any way today sunday, he appears more alert cleaned up his room and did all the laundry.
I have decided to be more firm with him.
today sunday went to church which was cool.
to be honest I dont know how may more days I have am just doing this each day at a time.
thankyou God for Keeping me safe
DAYS 10 AND 11
10th day was fine though a bit upset my 17 year old nephew decided to sleep out without informing anyone,so i had a chat with him felt a bit bad though coz at some point I told him he was lucky that he was my sisters son otherwise i would chuk him out.
any way today sunday, he appears more alert cleaned up his room and did all the laundry.
I have decided to be more firm with him.
today sunday went to church which was cool.
to be honest I dont know how may more days I have am just doing this each day at a time.
thankyou God for Keeping me safe
Friday, January 19, 2007
Alls fine had a bit of a tense head this morning not headache,
prayed about it am ok now.
my thoughts have been wondering about all sorts, I wonder how much a person can day dream ,Iam praying about this my mind keeps wondering and bringing with it that which I dont want to think about.
its amazing who you find when you open the corridors of your soul the greatest enemy is actually yourself and so is your best friend the laws and limitations that we put upon ourselves God help us
Dear God
Make me a person worthy of your creation
Create in me a being that can be the changer of times
make me favourable before men and You.
Continue to be my sheild and exceeding great reward.
Thankyou for making me share in the gift of healing Dear God touch the lives of all the patients I see and quicken my spirit to know whats wrong with them,Dear God Meet my patients at their points of need.
Perfect all the works youve put in me Jesus
Alls fine had a bit of a tense head this morning not headache,
prayed about it am ok now.
my thoughts have been wondering about all sorts, I wonder how much a person can day dream ,Iam praying about this my mind keeps wondering and bringing with it that which I dont want to think about.
its amazing who you find when you open the corridors of your soul the greatest enemy is actually yourself and so is your best friend the laws and limitations that we put upon ourselves God help us
Dear God
Make me a person worthy of your creation
Create in me a being that can be the changer of times
make me favourable before men and You.
Continue to be my sheild and exceeding great reward.
Thankyou for making me share in the gift of healing Dear God touch the lives of all the patients I see and quicken my spirit to know whats wrong with them,Dear God Meet my patients at their points of need.
Perfect all the works youve put in me Jesus
Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nothing extra ordinary has happened
Ive drunk loads of juice of all types of concoctions.
so ill talk about my dreams.
am being bold!
day 5
dreamt an old lady asking me to drive her car I cant remember why,I got in the car and the brakes and accelerator where all in the wrong places then the car hit a car in front in the process.
Day 6
dreamt i was in the undergound train system in zambia and all the walls appeared new and unfinished but for some bizzare reason the trains where running, in the dream i was asking how safe that was.
then got out at some station which had a nice pub out side though it took ages just for us to get to the sits which in the dream where right there, no drinks where drunk though the next thing I was at my house and a Friend knocked the door and asked me to live so I grabbed my son and we took off....
day 7
various mixed dreams though I remember being offered some food and i refused though I found myself eating a choclate whilst standing and I told someone that I had just messed my fast then I woke up...
cant remember the other stuff I dreamt .
What I have Read
I have just stuck mainly to the bible and yesterday decided to read articles on the net on fasting theres loads of stuff which was great to know.
Didnt think I should talk about my weight, but I cant help it ive actually lost 20 pounds
ideally I should have lost half that but that just shows how unfit and toxic my body has been.
I didnt think I had such a will power actually ive shocked myself.
on day 6 I was at a friends for a bible study and they cooked the fantastic t-bone steak with my favourite zambian vegetables the chibwabwas(pumpkin leaves)
and I said no to that am still in shock.
though that worked well for me coz every other food is just nad now.
I have become extremly patient I belive am patient but I feel more patient....
Monday, January 15, 2007
Day 5
all is well no side effects today
had enough time and cleared all the clutter in my room and I thought It was my mind that was foggy it appears all around me was foggy.
I have not spoken to anybody on the phone which feels odd theres always someone calling.
My prayer oh lord today is that you touch the lives of all those who went to the same high school as me and university lord ,I pray that youll meet them at their point of need and oh lord I pray that youll make them whole if their ailing, Dear God lately theres been so many young men and women dying in Zambia
I pray oh lord that youll touch the hearts of people to seek help early and not be discouraged.
most of all I pray for the peace the lord Jesus left us to abide in them.
all is well no side effects today
had enough time and cleared all the clutter in my room and I thought It was my mind that was foggy it appears all around me was foggy.
I have not spoken to anybody on the phone which feels odd theres always someone calling.
My prayer oh lord today is that you touch the lives of all those who went to the same high school as me and university lord ,I pray that youll meet them at their point of need and oh lord I pray that youll make them whole if their ailing, Dear God lately theres been so many young men and women dying in Zambia
I pray oh lord that youll touch the hearts of people to seek help early and not be discouraged.
most of all I pray for the peace the lord Jesus left us to abide in them.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Its my day 4
so I actually made it from yesterday when I had terrible headaches and all sorts of sensations . getting to the computer was far fetched.
this morning woke up afresh and renewed, ive not had a headache at all so thats pretty cool.
visited a new church today which was great.
Id spent yesterday reading the bible and praying,
I thank God I still went on.
Am feeling so elevated today, so clarity is on my door step definetly.
I rarely drink water so this has really been good for me,Iam having loads of it and ofcourse seeing more of my loo.
Thankyou God for you said when I pass through the waters you will be with me,and that the rivers will not overwhelm me,that the fire shall not burn me and the flame shall not consume me, for you said you are my God and that am precious in your eyes and that you Love me.
Its my day 4
so I actually made it from yesterday when I had terrible headaches and all sorts of sensations . getting to the computer was far fetched.
this morning woke up afresh and renewed, ive not had a headache at all so thats pretty cool.
visited a new church today which was great.
Id spent yesterday reading the bible and praying,
I thank God I still went on.
Am feeling so elevated today, so clarity is on my door step definetly.
I rarely drink water so this has really been good for me,Iam having loads of it and ofcourse seeing more of my loo.
Thankyou God for you said when I pass through the waters you will be with me,and that the rivers will not overwhelm me,that the fire shall not burn me and the flame shall not consume me, for you said you are my God and that am precious in your eyes and that you Love me.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Fasting day 2
I was up by 6.30am though I think I hardly slept.
got my son ready to go to the minders
managed to pass by the cereals with grace
though the television is a problem I didnt realize how many times food is spoken about, later on advertised even on the kids channel.
I read the whole book of Job this morning, brought tears to my eyes, I am not even past a few days God has already taught me to stop winging, I actually felt Gods presence .
had my vits ,detox juice and loads of water.
its now 3pm so I suppose am getting there bit by bit.
Ive also added some fruit juice to my detox...
Jehovah Mkaddesh sanctify me
Please Let your will be done in My Life.
Theres no where I can go where you wont find me
create in Me a Clean Heart
And rekindle a steadfast spirit in me
ops I almost forgot A friend Gave me a bedroom curtain and bed cover sets which shed made for sale
she called me and said she just thought the colour would be great in my room,
I havent told her am fasting and I dont want to sound...
I was up by 6.30am though I think I hardly slept.
got my son ready to go to the minders
managed to pass by the cereals with grace
though the television is a problem I didnt realize how many times food is spoken about, later on advertised even on the kids channel.
I read the whole book of Job this morning, brought tears to my eyes, I am not even past a few days God has already taught me to stop winging, I actually felt Gods presence .
had my vits ,detox juice and loads of water.
its now 3pm so I suppose am getting there bit by bit.
Ive also added some fruit juice to my detox...
Jehovah Mkaddesh sanctify me
Please Let your will be done in My Life.
Theres no where I can go where you wont find me
create in Me a Clean Heart
And rekindle a steadfast spirit in me
ops I almost forgot A friend Gave me a bedroom curtain and bed cover sets which shed made for sale
she called me and said she just thought the colour would be great in my room,
I havent told her am fasting and I dont want to sound...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Yes am officially fasting
effectively, today is my official day one.
am blogging this for some inner inspiration for my self.
yesterday ,I somewhat started my preparation,I had loads of water,vitamins and a detox juice.
then some lentil soup in the evening and a fruit.
today woke up had loads of water still the vits and my detox drink.
so why am i fasting...
well I need physical and spiritual cleansing to clear the fog in my head.
Am trusting God will put me through this one.
my inner me has loads of faith.....
am on Psalm 51 then I will enter his gates with thanks giving....
any one reading please I need your prayer.
Yes am officially fasting
effectively, today is my official day one.
am blogging this for some inner inspiration for my self.
yesterday ,I somewhat started my preparation,I had loads of water,vitamins and a detox juice.
then some lentil soup in the evening and a fruit.
today woke up had loads of water still the vits and my detox drink.
so why am i fasting...
well I need physical and spiritual cleansing to clear the fog in my head.
Am trusting God will put me through this one.
my inner me has loads of faith.....
am on Psalm 51 then I will enter his gates with thanks giving....
any one reading please I need your prayer.
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About Me
- mukupa
- I am a kind person who simply loves the art of living in all its forms as intended by the creator