Nothing extra ordinary has happened
Ive drunk loads of juice of all types of concoctions.
so ill talk about my dreams.
am being bold!
day 5
dreamt an old lady asking me to drive her car I cant remember why,I got in the car and the brakes and accelerator where all in the wrong places then the car hit a car in front in the process.
Day 6
dreamt i was in the undergound train system in zambia and all the walls appeared new and unfinished but for some bizzare reason the trains where running, in the dream i was asking how safe that was.
then got out at some station which had a nice pub out side though it took ages just for us to get to the sits which in the dream where right there, no drinks where drunk though the next thing I was at my house and a Friend knocked the door and asked me to live so I grabbed my son and we took off....
day 7
various mixed dreams though I remember being offered some food and i refused though I found myself eating a choclate whilst standing and I told someone that I had just messed my fast then I woke up...
cant remember the other stuff I dreamt .
What I have Read
I have just stuck mainly to the bible and yesterday decided to read articles on the net on fasting theres loads of stuff which was great to know.
Didnt think I should talk about my weight, but I cant help it ive actually lost 20 pounds
ideally I should have lost half that but that just shows how unfit and toxic my body has been.
I didnt think I had such a will power actually ive shocked myself.
on day 6 I was at a friends for a bible study and they cooked the fantastic t-bone steak with my favourite zambian vegetables the chibwabwas(pumpkin leaves)
and I said no to that am still in shock.
though that worked well for me coz every other food is just nad now.
I have become extremly patient I belive am patient but I feel more patient....
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