Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Zambian People are voting for political leaders on thursday,28 th september,2006.
its hard to say who will win this time, all i can say is that we ve all seen how we have let down the real people who gurantee the beds in the plots and thats the grass root Zambians ,its amazing how they have suddenly been remerbered and chances are that as am writing theyre being stuffed with food and drink to last till midnight friday and then its bussiness as usual.
who ever gets to state house, should really take advantage of the booming economy to improve the ecommy of the country.
the voters will not vote the best man academically or .......
because right now as the old philosophers once said
mankind must first of all eat and drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, religion, art, etc; and that therefore the means of life, and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch, form the foundation on which the forms of government, the legal conceptions, the art and even the religious ideas of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which these things must therefore be explained, instead of vice versa as has hitherto been...
now its not the best of times to be quoting peoples writings but this applies for the millions of zambias so...
God Help Us.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Its 1.50 am
I usually sleep very late coz this is my only time of real peace so !!!!
Ive spent most of the day reading an article in my mail box,
" Dear All
Yes it is true Wilaf died and we buried him in Kabwe on Monday 18th September 2006. Apparently it has been a turbulent time for the family. Wilaf's father died in July 2006, then his sister in August 2006 then himself in September 2006. You could really feel for the mother. And the same day we buried Wilaf his mother in law (wife's mother) died in Luanshya. So such is life. "
about a gentle man who was in my high school [passsing away and it really made me sad} not the death but the thought of those who will remain on to experinence the loss, Once I did some years ago Lose two brothers a mother and a grandfather in a space of six months . logic had me thinking that God was on holiday.
so am thinking alot of people may be thinking money or words of comfort will bring some aliviation but the reality is
The God you think is sleeping gives comfort in his own way only he knows.
to think that your comforting church will be the place you fill most uncomfrotable because everyone suddenly thinks theres a curse ,where do you tourn to/
but to believe that in such times thers but one thing you can trust the answer from the empty space, I call it the presence of God others call it many things.
I pray for this Family In the name of Jesus that they may find the love and peace from within ,for no one knows what sorrow is ,except for that one, thats experiencing it at the time.
If you dont believe in the power of prayer just say peace, if you do a thanksgiving would be worthy.


I have not been on the blog for over six months, thats because I have been writing a book ,trying to publish a newsletter working in the hospital and trying to be a good mum.beeing a good mum I think is most challenging especially if youre teaching a child how to write when you spend loads of time creating words ,well in the processing am learning too. any way back to the point my country will be electing a president in a few days time.we have various candidates but ild really only talk about three the present president Mr mwanawasa.Micheal Sata and Hichilema.If the educated people held the vote am sure wed vote for hichilema because hes got a good cv he looks the part and hed make us feel like we the fluent are running the show as usual.but then we have mr mwanawasa too. personally I dont have anything against him under the circumstances hes done hes best and zambia is still the peace full place we know.chilufya sata some say hes a dictator , hes rugged and not ideal for international policies etcthe grass root voters dont need the degrees, they need Inspiration and that he can give them we all know if he goes in power the cleaners in UTH will add more chlorine to the water to given these circumstances what is best for the zambian people.lets talk about the plunderes of the zambian present we dont have proof we only hav hear say and money ranging form a few millions to billions stolen.the lawyer (mwanawasa has had trouble with this)so were do we go.Kaunda says sata is not a good candidate no doubt he came in as governor in his goverment so at the time am sure he had alot to change.As zambians id hope wed have some one in office who would really inspire us from the comfort zone were we have all packed our selves to the platform of work. the true promise is better health can only get to our footsteps if we work hard .and value one anothers lives and welfare.we have to learn from kaundas triumphs of one zambia one nation and from trying to learn why his economics failed.we have to learn from the dream chiluba had of privatisation and understand why the failures happened.we have to learn from mwanawasa honesy on bringing people to justice who have stolen and try to learn why prosecuting people has become a cat and mouse game wasting taxpayers from me may the Best one win or if they dont, atleast learn from who ever was meant to be once in office

About Me

I am a kind person who simply loves the art of living in all its forms as intended by the creator