Saturday, May 21, 2005

The Mirage

Its amazing how everyone I meet is just a mirage
the guy on the bus
the lady on the train
The child next to me on the plane
Ive meet so many of them and yet
I only seem to retain just a few of them on my mind
As I get closer they disappear
when they speak, say there name
share there story they suddenly take form
and become speacial
the mirage a beautiful sight
from which is born various things and people that have shaped my life
the mirage
the nonexistent but existent aspect of my life.
the mirage the shape that my mundane world takes day by day
my mind overflows with how to
describe the mirage
is it a flight of ideas or wicked imagination? who knows?
the mind can be a mirage you think you know but trully you dont but you believe you know
the heart the biggest mirage
always knowing,believing in its own mirage
who cares even this writing is there but not really there.......

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About Me

I am a kind person who simply loves the art of living in all its forms as intended by the creator